Friday, July 31, 2020

My Juilliard Entrance Essay

My Juilliard Entrance Essay On your visit to Brown, you made sure to try the famous pumpkin pancakes at Louis Family Restaurant. Hope you found them to be delicious but if you feel inclined to write about the experience, do so on Yelp, not as part of your “Why Us? Heaping generic praise on your school is not going to sway anyone. If you’re going to shower a college with flattery, make it as specific and genuine as you possibly can. Don't lose your chance for top grades with the help of a professional essay writing service. No matter what subject you need an essay for, we've got it all covered. No more rush and gallons of coffee to keep you awake again and again. Just drop us a line and our essay writers will be on their way to craft an A+ piece for you whenever needed day or night. Using our service is LEGAL and IS NOT prohibited by any university/college policies. The paper received from our company may be used as a source for a deeper comprehension on the subject, or as a source for your own academic research. Please be also aware on how to cite any taken insights. To review rules on rephrasing please refer to your institution plagiarism policy. Earning a good reputation in the eyes of your college professor is vital, since in many cases your reputation will work for you even when you're far from being the best student. So, where does one find this type of substantive information? We recommend utilizing the top college guidebooks, a real-life or virtual tour of campus, a chat with a university rep, or some good old-fashioned Googling to gather what you need. In a competitive environment with more losers than winners (think of Stanford’s 5% or Columbia’s 7% admission rates), blending in with the pack isn’t going to add value to your candidacy. We offer a product, which serves as a source, a raw material for your own paper, so it is in no way can be regarded as cheating if you provide proper reference to the original. What is meant is that our essay writing service provides the same type of assistance you would get if, say, you asked for a help from a tutor proficient in respective field of study. Quality is our top priority, so you can rest assured that every order you place via our website will be completed on the highest level possible. To order your first essay with us, simply fill out an order form, pay for the piece, and get in touch with the assigned essay writer. You did your homework and know that Reed College offers a rigorous environment for intellectually serious, self-directed students. Instead of letter grades, students receive qualitative evaluations from their professors. All courses are taught by professors, never TAs, and research opportunities for undergraduates abound. Raised as a missionary kid in Spain, Ecuador, and Colombia, Ethan studied at seventeen different schools. He’s worked as a teacher, curriculum writer, voice actor, grant writer, theater director, motivational speaker, community organizer, and truck driver . Ethan is also certified in Myers-Briggs ® and hypnotherapy. Now that you’ve done strong research and extracted some key facts as well as the ethos of the school, it’s time to show why you belong there. You value substantive and constructive feedback over chasing A’s. You plan on getting a graduate degree and want to immerse yourself in research throughout your undergraduate years. You spent your high school years independently pursuing an area of passionâ€"creating your own reading list, seeking out adult mentors, etc. After all, we are all striving to achieve the highest grades. They have the potential to directly influence what jobs we get in the future. That is why it's in your best interest to hire a professional essay writing service to compose a decent piece. Reasonable prices.We aim to establish prices that will both motivate the essay writers and not leave our customers wanting. Affordability is at the core of our principles, so be sure you won't have to rob the bank to get your piece written by our experts. A massive team of online essay writers.We do our best to hire as many talents on our as possible. We scan each resume that comes our way to ensure that not one excellent essay writer is left unnoticed. Our team consists of dozens of experts from various fields and backgrounds. And all this is done to meet the growing demand for quality online ghostwriting. It’s little surprise that an insanely high number of Reed graduates go on to earn PhDs in their respective fields. If you can’t come up with a sincere answer to any of these questions, you might want to rethink why a given school is even on your college list in the first place.

Monday, July 20, 2020

How to Write My Term Paper Without Letting Your Anxiety Show Through

How to Write My Term Paper Without Letting Your Anxiety Show ThroughSome students are so anxious to get started writing their term papers that they just let things get out of hand. While it is essential to start writing your term paper with the end in mind, if you are going to allow your fears to set in, you will be ill prepared for the assignment. Below are tips for writing your term paper without letting your anxiety show through.Write your term paper early. If you set a time when you are going to start writing your term paper, it is important to stick to that. There is nothing more stressful than suddenly being faced with a deadline.Give yourself some time to think before starting to write your term paper. A term paper is the biggest task you will ever have to complete. While you may be too excited to get started, make sure you have time to calm down and reflect on what you want to accomplish with your paper. If you set a time to do this, you will not procrastinate.Write in a calm and productive way. Try to maintain your focus by only allowing the thoughts to enter your head. If you allow your mind to wander, it will cause you to forget key points in your paper.A work schedule is very important. The first rule to keep in mind is to try to stick to a regular schedule. You will want to try to write on average a week in advance.Your writing style should be clear. Your style of writing should be clear and concise. If you take a long time in writing, it will be difficult to stay focused on the paper. For instance, if you are writing about a foreign country, make sure you have a concise, simple, and straightforward language about it.You need to plan in advance. Begin by setting a specific amount of time you will need to write each day. You need to keep track of the date on which you are writing and take note of the number of pages that you are writing each day. A consistent practice will help you stay on target.Avoid procrastination. If you procrastinate, you will be unable to keep up with your writing routine. Once you become familiar with the ideas you want to write, it is easier to move ahead. Write your term paper with the end in mind, so that you will have something to show your professor at the end of the term.

Friday, July 10, 2020

4 Paragraph Essay Writing - Getting Your Essay Published

<h1>4 Paragraph Essay Writing - Getting Your Essay Published</h1><p>In a 4 passage paper you can utilize bunches of various thoughts and guides to show how you got the thoughts for your exposition. There are four sections and they should begin with a solid opening and end with an end that will get you a great deal of consideration. Start your first passage off solid and you'll have the crowd interested.</p><p></p><p>The first section in any composing is the most significant part. This is the presentation and it ought to set up what your identity is and what sort of essayist you are. You need to get the peruser on the principal page and you need them to remain there. You have to make them need to know more.</p><p></p><p>Your first passage should show your perusers what your identity is, to what extent you've been composing, where you've been, and how you are going to improve their life. You need to go over your qualitie s, shortcomings, past work, and experience. Incorporate a one of a kind thought that shows how your composing is not quite the same as others. You need to stand out enough to be noticed and make them need to see more. It will help in the event that you add a turn of phrase to the end.</p><p></p><p>In your second section you will give data about what drove you to compose the four-passage paper. It's alright to clarify what kicked you off yet don't get excessively associated with the subtleties. You should have the option to simply discuss your objectives and what you're doing now. You have to seem to be a person, not a mechanical robot.</p><p></p><p>After you give your perusers an intriguing model or a model that bodes well you will at that point proceed onward to the third passage. This is the place you present your data in an outline. You ought to likewise begin to clarify why you composed the exposition in any case. The third passage will likewise fill in as the end to your essay.</p><p></p><p>Finally, in the fourth section you will finish up with an end that will integrate everything. You will show how you got your objective and what you did to arrive. Show your perusers how the data you have introduced is applicable to your point and how it causes them. Finish your fourth section by demonstrating your perusers what you've done to come to your goal.</p><p></p><p>In your five passage article you will need to concentrate on standing out enough to be noticed. Start the discounting solid by having a solid opening. You will utilize models and utilize solid composing that will keep the peruser's consideration. At that point, as you progress, you will plot the various areas and how they identify with each other.</p><p></p><p>When you compose, you ought to have the option to get a hop off of your composition. You ought to have the peruser sitting up and focusing on what you're stating. Following these tips will assist you with prevailing in a short composing assignment.</p>

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Explain the Relationship Between People and Technology - 275 Words

Explain the Relationship Between People and Technology (Essay Sample) Content: SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF TECHNOLOGY AND ACTOR NETWORK THEORYName:Instructor:Course:Date:A number of perspectives have been developed to define the relationship between human beings and technology. These perspectives also seek to answer questions on how technology has emerged and evolved. Instrumentalism is such one view and it holds that technology is a mere tool which is used by the human beings to carry out different activities. The instrumental concept of technology also dictates that technological artefacts are neutral. In contrast, determinists often argue that technology is an autonomous and revolutionary force and it has the capability to eliminate all ills that afflict humanity. According to the determinists, human beings are directed by the technology, and cannot decide on how the technology will be used. In other words, the society is influenced by the technology. Another important perspective is substantivism which suggests that human beings are enframed by technology. Human beings also lose their will if they become attached to the technological systems. This perspective shapes, different institutions, including the political systems, culture and social structure. The perspective further holds that technology has its own independent values, which human beings cannot be able to change. This paper examines the social construction of technology, and actor network theory. Social construction of technology theoryAccording to Gad and Jensen (2009), this theory rejects the determinists perspectives that the society is influenced by the technology. The concepts of this theory are well described in an article titled, the social construction of technology: structural considerations. The writers of this article, Klein and Kleinman (2002) observe that the first component of the SCOT theory is interpretive flexibility. According to Klein and Kleinman (2002), this concept is borrowed from the empirical program of relativism and suggests that artefa cts are products of intergroup negotiations. The second component is the relevant social group concept. According to this component, social groups share the same values and characteristics. In this regard, different social groups can differ on how a particular technology works, but in the end they come into a consensus. The third component of this theory is closure and stabilisation. According to this component, multi-group processes occur until a consensus is reached, and stabilisation is facilitated by the rhetorical closure and closure by definition. Rhetorical closure occurs when all problems are eliminated while closure by definition happens when the problem is redefined until it poses no more threat to social groups. The last concept as suggested by Gad and Jensen (2009) is the wider context. This concept relates the technological artefact to the wider sociopolitical milieu. In this regard, Gad and Jensen (2009) argue that the SCOT framework helps the researchers to describe t he technological artefacts while providing them with an avenue of examining the relationship between the external environment and the actual content of the technology. Interpretive flexibilityGad and Jensen (2009) define interpretive flexibility as the ability of the technical artefact to represent different benefits to a number of actors. As earlier suggested, social groups have different interpretations about a particular artefact. The application of this concept is demonstrated in an article where Sovacool (2011) argues that technologies and process have different meaning to the social groups. Just to illustrate, telephones were not produced for enjoyment purposes, but they have since become an important part of our social life. Similarly, refrigerators are not only used to preserve foods, but have found ready application in housing of animals and other valuables. While the concept was predominantly used in the design phases, it is being absorbed in the study of information sys tems. In this regard, Gad and Jensen (2009) argue that any piece of technology must have the ability to sustain divergent interpretations. According to Gad and Jensen (2009), for a piece of technology to have interpretive flexibility it must possess a range of functions and capabilities. However, as Abbate (1999) observes it is not clear how an artifacts characteristic can influence its ability to be interpreted flexibly. With this in mind, Abbate (1999) conducted an empirical study to gain knowledge of reality through social constructionism. This study was conducted within the UK context, and sought to examine the hospital IT infrastructure within the Community Care Trusts. The researchers examined in details whether or not the information systems could support the workers needs. The study also examined how the material characteristics of an IT system can lead to different interpretations as far as the use of artefacts is concerned. At the end of the study, Abbate (1999) concluded that there is need to redefine the boundaries of the IT system. Relevant social groupAs described above, social groups refer to the teams which interact with the artefact. As far as the technology is concerned, the relevant social groups could be the users, and the engineers. Downey (2002) suggests that locating the relevant social groups can be done through the snowballing approach. Interviewing the actors helps the researchers to identify social groups to which they are affiliated to. Through constant interactions and negotiations, multiple interpretations start disappearing. Identifying social groups that will benefit from a particular technology through the snowballing technique may end up being problematic. According to Downey (2002) the snowballing technique is not accurate enough and may lead to distortions. As Downey (2002) further suggests, using the snowball approach could lead to the exclusion of some of the social groups. The importance of the social groups during the de signing of different technologies is highlighted in an article titled, TVA and the Grass Roots. In this article, Douglas (1999) examines how the local groups led to the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority. According to Douglas (1999) the development of a similar techno-system in another different location without first determining the need of the local population would have led to different outcomes. The failure of this system is highlighted in a study conducted by Kline and Pinch (1996) where the lamp manufacturers and the electricity producers failed to incorporate the needs of the consumers. Failure to incorporate the interests of the social groups affected the final outcomes. Closure and stabilisationAs suggested above, there are constant negotiations that take place before the technology becomes acceptable. Once the interpretative flexibility of an artefact diminishes, the process is said to have come to an end. Closure could also occur when no single group dominate s the process or when all groups come into an agreement. Secondly, closure occurs when one of the social group eclipses the others. Homogeneity across the closure groups translates to higher degrees of stabilisation. As Downey (2002) suggests, the key terms that are associated with this concept are: rhetorical closure and closure by definition. Rhetorical closure occurs once the problem has been resolved. Advertisements can be used to obtain a rhetorical closure was the case with the high-wheeler. The manufacturers of this artefact launched the Facile advertisement to illustrate to the public that the artefact was safe enough. According to Bijker et al. (1987), this was a rhetorical move, which answered any concerns that the social groups had. Technological frameThe SCOT framework was re-defined to include this component which takes into consideration power and structure. This concept was introduced by Bijker et al. (1987) and takes into consideration elements that can influence the technological process. Kline and Pinch (1996) used this principle to demonstrate how gender roles influence the design of the automobiles. The concept according to Kline and Pinch (1996), heavily influences the behaviour and the thoughts of the actors who are interested in a particular artefact. The existence of a technological frame determines the level of the inclusion attained by the actors. In this regard, once the actors develop a technological frame, a high degree of inclusion is achieved. In contrast, if the actors fail to develop a technological frame they do not interact deeply with the technological artefact. As suggested by Kline and Pinch (1996), one other theme that is closely related to the technological frame concept, is semiotic power. Semiotic structures influence the nature of the interactions between the actors. A common strategy that is employed by the actor is political power, whose purpose is to influence social groups and develop frames and structures. In th is regard, actors may enrol the social groups to prove the effectiveness of a particular artefact. Actor network theoryThe theory emerged in 1980s and was suggested by Bruno Latour and Michel Callon, and unlike the other conceptual frameworks, the theory incorporates objects and organisations. Actors involve the non-human elements such as the machines, animals, texts, and hybrids. According to this theory, there are many actants which are considered foundationally indeterminate. Besides the actors, there are the networks and according this theory seeks to examine how these both elements interact. Firstly, the theory suggests that the networks have the capability to strengthen and fight off any resistance. Secondly, the networks can prevent the actors from carrying out their own activitiesAs Law and Mol (2002) observe, the theory is built on three methodological principles. The first principle is agnosticism which impo...